I don't know why, after this long, I felt the need to put something here. A long time ago, when Israfel left, I thought that something such as this would be good to relieve the pain, but I refused to let anyone see me that way. I stayed to myself, waiting for Her to speak to me, to tell me thing would be fine.
She never did.
But still, things became fine on their own. I still miss Israfel. Don't get me wrong. I think that part of me refuses to let go. That's ok, I guess. It reminds me of what not to do again. And it lets me get back to my old self.
That's where the fun begins.
I'm all about the fun. Not only that, but I'm all about my fun. That is, of course, what is most important. And I get fussy when I have no fun. A little entertainment is all I ask. It's not difficult. I'm not picky.
Just ask Joel.
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