It seems like ages ago that I ran along side my sisters, creating mischief and and trouble without a second thought, all in the name of the Goddess. We were feared, respected and hunted. No one could have felt more alive.
I often think back to those days. The days I spent as the High priestess. When She would speak to me and guide me. It has been such a long time since She has spoken to me. I wish for it. For Her to guide me again. To do Her work.
I decided to take this vacation as a means to escape and collect my thoughts. There is only so much wine and ale a person can drink in poor attempts to drown out the ache.
I have spent some time in the eastern desert, mostly getting a spectacular tan. But while there also contemplating the many things I have done in recent times and as well, those in the past.
Will She speak to me again, call me to do Her bidding? In the back of my mind, I can feel the hope grow. I pray for it.
I return to the desert to think, and of course, to tan.
I often think back to those days. The days I spent as the High priestess. When She would speak to me and guide me. It has been such a long time since She has spoken to me. I wish for it. For Her to guide me again. To do Her work.
I decided to take this vacation as a means to escape and collect my thoughts. There is only so much wine and ale a person can drink in poor attempts to drown out the ache.
I have spent some time in the eastern desert, mostly getting a spectacular tan. But while there also contemplating the many things I have done in recent times and as well, those in the past.
Will She speak to me again, call me to do Her bidding? In the back of my mind, I can feel the hope grow. I pray for it.
I return to the desert to think, and of course, to tan.
9 Everyone else's two cents:
At August 22, 2006 6:32 AM,
Ranmaru said…
Goth-Loli > Ko-Gal
At August 24, 2006 2:59 AM,
Zillah said…
I second that.
At August 24, 2006 3:27 PM,
Rowane de'Dannan said…
Well, I've seached high and low for Malia in Egypt and it seems she was either avoiding me or eaten by scarab beetles. I'm sad to say that the latter is far more likely. Rest in peace, Malia (or in the pieces left in hundreds of scarab stomachs) We hardly knew ye :(
At August 24, 2006 3:29 PM,
Rowane de'Dannan said…
*checks the post date*
Malia, you're alive!
At August 24, 2006 6:09 PM,
Nadia Ravenswick said…
Does that mean she was avoiding you then, Row?
*adjusts made-in-Korea[tm] plastic halo*
At August 25, 2006 4:46 AM,
Unknown said…
ch ch ch changes...
(I get it stuck in me head every time I see the title, now you all suffer too!)
At August 25, 2006 8:40 AM,
Malia said…
Shame I missed you Rowane. I'll have to work on my aim.
At August 25, 2006 10:05 AM,
Nadia Ravenswick said…
Le gasp! *pet Rowane* He brings pretty and cute salamanders to my house. Leave him be!
At August 25, 2006 5:37 PM,
Zillah said…
Every time you speak, Malia, I become just a little more fond of you.
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