All Things Spiffy

Wednesday, October 11

Joel attempted to tell Maharet about our situation. It was quite the disaster. For some reason, she doesn't like me much. Now, I'm not good with kids. I never was, and I make no secret of that fact. But I've made my attempts at being nice to the kid, even before there was a me and Joel. She's not a bad kid, and besides, she's Nadia's too. And I like Nadia.

After much running around by her, and hiding herself from her parents, Moris was able to settle her down. I left them all to their business and sat in the villa while they were in the atrium. After some time, my curiousness got the better of me, so I walked out to see what was going on.

Maha decided that since Moris told her some secret, she wanted to tell her secret too. And what a secret it was...

She grew pale, almost grey, and her eyes turned empty. I hid behind Joel because I was expecting for flames to start coming out of nowhere again, but that didnt happen. Instead, we saw images. Strange, disturbing images.

First, we saw what happened the day that Nadia lost her soul. We saw Maharet's body, and Nadia standing next to it, crying.

Then, we saw a huge beast. He was taunting and smirking. I could make out the word 'Deal', as he reached a clawed hand right into Nadia's chest.

Lastly, Maharet stood looking up at the beast as he grinned down at her and spoke.

Maharet fell to the ground after she showed us those images and began to cry a little. I wasn't quite sure what to think, and I could tell that Moris had the same confusion as I did. Joel comforted the kid and sent her off to bed.

I'm not sure what to think about all of that. It's been on my mind constantly since that night. While the kid hates me, I am glad that I was able to see this "secret" of hers. It explained a lot.

To make things even more interesting, I saw Dashiva the following day...

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