With weddings normally being up there with watching the paint peel, or counting the sand kernels on my beach, I have to say that this one was a little above that.
I, of course, have to give it bonus points because I officiated. That itself does make it spiffier. But then that Orchid -- oh, how I just adore her -- went and caused some unexpected trouble. And what beautiful trouble it was!
I was a proud priestess, as I sat and watched my sister's work. Of course, the pictures have to be hidden better next time. But that all comes with practice!
I suspect that Aryia and Ranmaru will eventually forgive Orchid. Perhaps, even laugh about it all over some fruit and honey. Maybe, just maybe, there's something the Goddess can do about Ranmaru's current excessive paleness and personality disorder.
But then, all things do come at a cost....
I, of course, have to give it bonus points because I officiated. That itself does make it spiffier. But then that Orchid -- oh, how I just adore her -- went and caused some unexpected trouble. And what beautiful trouble it was!
I was a proud priestess, as I sat and watched my sister's work. Of course, the pictures have to be hidden better next time. But that all comes with practice!
I suspect that Aryia and Ranmaru will eventually forgive Orchid. Perhaps, even laugh about it all over some fruit and honey. Maybe, just maybe, there's something the Goddess can do about Ranmaru's current excessive paleness and personality disorder.
But then, all things do come at a cost....
4 Everyone else's two cents:
At October 04, 2006 3:26 AM,
Unknown said…
I looked at the photos from the wedding. Is it just me, or is Nadia in dire need of some good hair product? No matter how many times she fixes it, it never stays in place for longer than a few minutes. *humblyducks&hides*
Sowwwwwwwy Aryia!!!!!!!
At October 04, 2006 7:46 AM,
Malia said…
Somebody told her that if she kept doing that, it was going to fall out.
I don't think the Goddess can fix baldness.
At October 04, 2006 10:46 AM,
Nadia Ravenswick said…
Row said it would fall out.
It's just.... not as... full as it used to be. I dunno. It has lost it's shine. I'll just blame he-who-hisses. It works.
I've also heard rumor about some flowers up on the Plateu by my townhouse. Perhaps if I went and gathered those.... *ponders*
*brushes her hair back, smirking*
It was an interesting wedding though. Very memorable.
At October 04, 2006 11:58 AM,
Zillah said…
Damn, I missed yet another opportunity to spike the punch. *grumble*
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