All Things Spiffy

Saturday, November 4

The Surprise

I told him last night. I've wanted to for days. For weeks. But I kept it to myself for... you know, that whole high priestess thing.

First, I had to tell Nadia. I guess I wanted some sort of approval, or just to know that she was okay with it. Maybe I just wanted to rid myself of the guilt.

I went to Orchid earlier in the day. We asked the cards what they thought. I drew the Hanged Man. Orchid said that the cards weren't able to give an answer because they couldn't see that far into the future. I had to let go of my old fears, old beliefs, or lose the opportunity for something.

I sent him on a treasure hunt, of sorts. Clues carefully placed in some of my favorite places kept him busy while I got things ready. I had borrowed queen Dido's robes for the evening. I just love the way they look. I'll have to sneak back into her room and put them back, I suppose.

He ran into the clearing, huffing a little from all of the running around I'd made him do. I couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face when he stopped suddenly, seeing that I was there, and not another clue.

The evening turned out better than I had expected. Poor Joel was speechless half the time. Which means I must have done one or two things right, right?

I had commissioned an old jeweler friend in Egypt for an udjat. I wanted it made of solid silver, nothing else. It would be different than the others I'd seen. Unique. No other made of a single metal. I can remember, during my time in egypt when I was younger, hearing the story of the udjat. I wanted something that was out of my past, and living in Egypt is a good part of that. The last of the surprises of the evening was ready.

Joel kept this permanent, yet slightly funny, smile on his face for the entire night. I'm not sure if it was the fact that I planned the evening, or that I wore little more than those transparent robes.

Or perhaps that I was able to admit, finally, that I had fallen for him - somebody that I had bickered with, taunted, and threatened for years.

The Goddess does work in strange ways.

Though I reserve the right to bicker and taunt him still. For amusement purposes, of course.

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